
National Legislation Database – Translated legislation

Latest uploads

Translated legislation Status As in force on
Act CXII of 2011 updated translation 01/03/2024
Act XXXVI of 2012 updated translation 01/03/2024
Act C of 2012 updated translation 01/03/2024
Act CL of 2016 updated translation 01/01/2024
The Fundamental Law of Hungary updated translation 01/04/2024

About the translated legislation

According to section 2 (4) of Government Decree 338/2011. (XII. 29.) on the National Legislation Database, the translations of the laws specified by the minister responsible for justice shall be published in the National Legislation Database.

Based on the above provision, this webpage contains the English translations of Hungarian laws prepared within the framework of the legislation translation programme of the Ministry of Justice of Hungary.

More information

Please note that, in accordance with the Fundamental Law of Hungary and Act CXXX of 2010 on law-making, unless provided otherwise in a cardinal Act, only laws promulgated in the official gazette of Hungary are binding and have legal effect. The translations published on this website serve informational purposes only, have no legal effect, and cannot be considered the official text of Hungarian laws.

The text of the translations published on this website may not be used, either directly or indirectly, for commercial purposes without the express permission of the Hungarian Official Journal Publisher and the Ministry of Justice. If you wish to use any of these translations, in whole or in part, for commercial purposes, please contact the Hungarian Official Journal Publisher and the Ministry of Justice at the addresses below.

If you have questions concerning the translations, please contact us at

Link to Termin, the terminology database of the Ministry of Justice of Hungary, which comprises key terms used in Hungarian legislation in Hungarian and in English:

If you have technical questions, please contact us at

  • Hatályos
  • Már nem hatályos
  • Még nem hatályos
  • Módosulni fog
  • Időállapotok
  • Adott napon hatályos
  • Közlönyállapot
  • Indokolás
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